Back to School Winter Park: Make Your Student Feel Special
Wondering how to make your student feel special when going back to school? Here are a few ways to make it a fun, personalized experience for them.
It’s no doubt that 2020 has been a little chaotic, especially when it came to graduations and celebrations. Going back to school can feel a little stressful, but it should be an exciting time full of butterflies and back-to-school swag shopping – from lunch boxes, backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils and the list goes on.
Going school shopping may look a little different this year with personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitizer stealing the spotlight. But, there are still plenty of ways that you can make your student feel like a star on their way back to school, and we’re here to help you make it happen. Here are a few simple ways to get started.
#1 Custom PPE Supplies
With social distancing and PPE supplies so prevalent when going back to school this year, you might as well customize them for your student.
A few ways you can do that are to design stickers and put them on hand sanitizer bottles. Or, you can design a custom face mask or neck gaiter. We can help with the design process and bring it to life. Here are some additional printing ideas to get you inspired.
#2 Themed Kits
Teaching may look a little different too. Your student may be engaging in more hybrid e-learning now than ever before. Make it exciting by gifting your student a themed kit. Below are a few examples of different items you can easily customize and put together.
Tech kit:
- Laptop or iPad case
- Portable battery
- Headphones
Writing Kit
- Pens
- Pencils
- Paper
- Notebooks
- Planners
Basic Supplies
- Rulers
- Calculators
- Contractors
- Pencil pouch
- Backpack
- Lunch box
- Water bottle
Make Your Student Feel Special Going Back to School
It may be an uncertain time to go back to school, but no matter what it looks like – whether it’s at home e-learning, at school, or a mix of both – it should still be a fun and exciting time for your student. A little personalization can go a long way to make them feel extra special as they go back to school this year. We’d be happy to be a part of that process. Contact us to get started on creating a few personalized back to school goodies for your student today!
Tags: Back to School