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Winter Park Signs

Winter Park Signs: What You Should and Shouldn’t Include

Your business is unique, so your Winter Park signs should be too! Here’s what you should and shouldn’t include when designing yours. 

Brands are meant to stand out, be wholly unique, and tell the story of your business. Signs are just one branding element that showcases what your business represents. 

There are several things to consider before you choose what you should and shouldn’t include on your signage. For starters, the type of sign you will be designing. The following are just a few types of signs that you may want to explore. 

  1. Electric
  2. Point of purchase
  3. Sandwich board
  4. Banner

Winter Park SignsEach one is designed to serve a different purpose. If you need help determining which type of Winter Park signs are best suited for your needs, you can contact us here to help you out. 

Once you have decided on which type of sign is most ideal for your goals, you can begin designing it. Below are a few elements you may choose to include, followed by a few pointers of what you should avoid when designing your Winter Park signs. 

Winter Park Sign Elements

Your logo is one element that should be included on any type of sign you choose. From there is where you’ll decide on the messaging and style you’d like to design, such as your basic information, what your business does, and even a QR code depending on the occasion or purpose. 

“Add a QR code to your business sign that is tied to a special offer or something that a potential customer may want. The QR Code should send the person to a mobile ready landing page that has a sign up form. Once the person signs up for your offer, they will be sent an email with a code or a coupon.” – Small Biz Trends

Are You Ready to Design Your Winter Park Signs?

Your Winter Park signs should be informative, attention-grabbing, and well lit. What you want to try to avoid is making it cluttered, hard to read and inconsistent with your brand. 

If you’re looking to start designing your Winter Park signs, we can help. Give us a call today to get started. 
